India Public Libraries Conference: Towards Digital Libraries

To discuss how public libraries can be regained as public places for seeking information and knowledge, for the first time in India, an international conference-cum-workshop on public libraries was organised. The three day event ‘India Public Libraries Conference 2015’ ( was held at India International Centre (IIC), Lodi Estate in New Delhi during March 17-19, 2015, comprising of a two day conference on the theme “Transforming Public Libraries in India: Envisioning the Future” and a day long parallel workshops for library officials and professionals.

Wireless Networking Training of Trainers Programme in Guna

In April, a one-month full-time Training of Trainers programme was conducted in Wireless for Communities Main Centre in Guna, Madhya Pradesh. It was attended by 5 new trainees and 4 previous trainees, who were taught the theory and practical of deploying, configuring and maintaining a Wireless Network.Rigorous theoretical and field training was conducted with regular…